sekali-sekala berfikir di luar kotak

"New ideas for your career interests could be on your mind, yunakira. You might be thinking not only of getting a new job, but also of entering an entirely new field. This could be a positive development. However, don't be too impulsive and jump in without thinking. List your options, cross out the ones that aren't workable, and then do some research on the rest. Even though you may feel urgency, there is none"
assalamualaikum w.b.t...
aku ingin menggunakan peluang ini untuk mengucapkan tahniah kepada one of my best friend yg kitorang belajar bersama during our bachelor's degree di Uitm shah alam dulu coz she is managed to futher her study in masters degree pulak.kalau tak silap aku next 2 month kot. aku happy mendengarnye. bila aku baca blog die. huhu. good job yana!
aku rase lepas ni aku kene more alert la kot pasal portal Uitm dlm bab-bab pengambilan student for the next semester ni. after 1 year aku kerja dlm bidang logistik ni,aku rasa ada la jugak bekal untuk aku gorengkan time interview during master nanti kot. heheh...
for the next pengambilan aku rasa sempat la kot aku nk dig experiences as much as i can la. lebih kurang 2 years aku kt schenker ni, baru aku rasa yakin utk futher in bisness field pulak. doakan aku :)
wah berangan ye.hehe...tapi untuk tulisan kuning tu adalah horoskop untuk hari ni.doesn't mean aku percaya in circle tapi itulah yg aku fikirkan lewat 2 3 hari ni.tak salah kan untuk kita berfikir luar daripada kotak? just wait and see for the next several months.kalau ada rezeki tu,aku kongsikan pada semua.
p/s: aku rasa aku dah selesa bermain di luar kotak tika ini.


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